Onder de naam Johnito maak ik electronische pop, gelardeerd met voornamelijk maatschappijkritische teksten en actualiteit-gebaseerde samples, al ontbreekt ook het gevoelsleven niet. Ondanks de vaak serieuze onderwerpen, streef ik er naar om het publiek mee te laten doen.
De nummers produceer ik zoveel mogelijk met behulp van vrije en open source software. Gehoorde en gelezen opmerkingen: “Cool stuff! I really like the experimental vibe and freedom of genre!” ;“verrassend”, “verfrissend”, “Coil-ish” , “inspiring”, “free spirited.”
De afgelopen jaren trad ik o.a. op in Studio Gonz, op het Imagine Multi Culti-festival, het Protestival, de Blije Markt, de Wereldmiddag, het Cultuurschakel-podium op het Haags Uitfestival, Het Koorenhuis en Podium Noord.
Tussen 1999 en 2008 was ik zanger in de Haagse band Propeller, en je kunt me soms ook als gastzanger tegenkomen bij progrockband Dream Flight to Antarctica.
Ik werk verder bij een bekend groen bedrijf, en hou me, naast muziek, bezig met mijn gezin, martial arts en vrijwilligerswerk.
Homerecording artist, producer and vocalist
In his lyrics, Johnito takes a stand for justice and systemic political change, but he also doesn”t shy away from confronting his inner demons.
His electronic sounds are inspired by 80s/90s synthpop, hiphop, soul and crossover funk, soul,metal and rock bands.
Most music is created on linux, with open source music production tools.
Enjoy the ride!
More background info:
In 2012, two of his tracks (‘Summer Jammed’ and ‘I Am Here’) made it into Den Haag FM’s annual list of the best 100 songs recorded in The Hague. Most recent release is ‘The Offer (Part 1)‘ (January 2017).
In 2015 he was also part of the male choir in ‘Stop The Rain’ by The Collaborators, a collaboration between Petra de Winter (Chabliz) and Michiel Papenhove (Michette, ex-Within Temptation.) The song is dedicated to the people of Greece, who are forced to live under extreme austerity by the EU and IMF.
On the 1st of May 2017, Johnito was the opening act at the ‘Festival of Protestsongs’ in The Hague.
During the following months, he will work on new material for his upcoming album ‘Projekto Ribelo 2’, to be premiered at several gigs in the fall, like at De Blije Markt (The Happy Market) in Braamt, The Netherlands.
1988-present: host/presenter/co-organizer at a variety of public and cultural events, concerts, local festivals, manifestations. Organizations involved include local branches of Amnesty International, the Dutch Socialist Party and independent leftist activist groups. Currently not affiliated to, or member of a political party.
1988-1993: alternative club DJ at cultural center Het Kasteel, Alphen aan den Rijn
1993-1996: dressman, theatrical actor in two editions of the ‘ZigZag Fashion Show’, cultural center De Boerderij, Zoetermeer
1997-2009: alternative club DJ at Lokaal Vredebreuk, The Hague
1998: several supporting roles in the musical ‘De Dader Heeft Het Gedaan’ by theatre group Waanzin, Zoetermeer
1988-present: social/human rights/civil rights activist at, a.o., SP (NL), Artists4Freedom, 4Snowden, and several ad hoc coalitions
1999-2008: Vocalist and one of the founding members of Propeller. We recorded four official demo-albums: Elastic City (2000); Down2Earth (2001), KoCo (2003) and Live @ Pop-In (2005). Over the years we have played more than a hundred gigs throughout The Netherlands, including one at Dam Square in Amsterdam, in front of a 25000 people audience.
1999-2000: assistent at Theaterwerkplaats Eskalibur, The Hague.
2002-present: Blogger at johnito.nl
2007-present: Solo-artist, composer, singer, producer of alternative electronic pop, often with politically charged lyrics. I prefer to use linux and open source technology; Two of my tracks made it to the best 100 songs ever recorded in The Hague, with a little help from (social media) friends and family of course. Most recent release is ‘Arrived‘ (September 2014).
In 2015 I was also part of the male choir in ‘Stop The Rain’ by The Collaborators. The song is dedicated to the people of Greece who are forced to live under extreme austerity by the EU and IMF.
2012: extra in motion picture “Bellicher:Cel” as a Polish immigrant worker
2015: extra in Dutch VPRO tv series ‘De Fractie‘ (S3 Episodes “Dit Land Is Het Zat” , as a far right extremist, and as a radio reporter during a press conference in “Grenzen stellen“; both episodes first aired on public television in August 2016).
2018: extra in music video “Society Over The Top” by Tino van Leeuwen

Video:Dailymotion and Vimeo
Audio: Bandcamp , Soundcloud, Reverbnation and you can also look me up on Spotify, Deezer and other digital distribution services.
Or find me on social media
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