>Kucinich: impeach Dick Cheney, dan Bush


Video: Kucinich introduceert “the articles of impeachment” tegen Cheney

De Senaat in de Amerikaanse staat Vermont, 40 Amerikaanse steden en Democratische presidentskandidaat Dennis Kucinich willen een afzettingsprocedure (impeachment) tegen vice-president Dick Cheney starten.

OpEd-News columnist Allen L. Roland somt tien redenen op om Cheney te impeachen:

Please join myself and millions of Americans in standing with Vermont, whose state motto is FREEDOM AND UNITY, in calling for the impeachment, on April 28th, of George W Bush and Dick Cheney for the following reasons:

1. Violating the United Nations Charter by launching an illegal “War of Aggression” against Iraq without cause, using fraud to sell the war to Congress and the public, misusing government funds to begin bombing without Congressional authorization, and subjecting our military personnel to unnecessary harm, debilitating injuries, and deaths.

2. Violating U.S. and international law by authorizing the torture of thousands of captives, resulting in dozens of deaths, and keeping prisoners hidden from the International Committee of the Red Cross.
3. Violating the Constitution by arbitrarily detaining Americans, legal residents, and non-Americans, without due process, without charge, and without access to counsel.

4. Violating the Geneva Conventions by targeting civilians, journalists, hospitals, and ambulances, and using illegal weapons, including white phosphorous, depleted uranium, and a new type of napalm.

5. Violating U.S. law and the Constitution through widespread wiretapping of the phone calls and emails of Americans without a warrant.

6. Violating the Constitution by using “signing statements” to defy hundreds of laws passed by Congress.

7. Violating U.S. and state law by obstructing honest elections in 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2006.

8. Violating U.S. law by using paid propaganda and disinformation, selectively and misleadingly leaking classified information, and exposing the identity of a covert CIA operative working on sensitive WMD proliferation for political retribution.

9. Subverting the Constitution and abusing Presidential power by asserting a “Unitary Executive Theory” giving unlimited powers to the President, by obstructing efforts by Congress and the Courts to review and restrict Presidential actions, and by promoting and signing legislation negating the Bill of Rights and the Writ of Habeas Corpus.

10. Gross negligence in failing to assist New Orleans residents after Hurricane Katrina, in ignoring urgent warnings of an Al Qaeda attack prior to Sept. 11, 2001, and in increasing air pollution causing global warming.

Op de vraag waarom niet met president Bush begonnen wordt is Dennis Kucinich

KUCINICH: The question relates to why I’m bringing the articles of impeachment against Mr. Cheney, and not Mr. Bush. Is that it?

QUESTION: Why solely Mr. Cheney?

KUCINICH: Well, there’s a practical reason here. And the practical reason is — first of all, I want to say that each and every charge against Mr. Cheney relates to his conduct or misconduct in office.

Now, with respect to the president. I think that it’s very important that we start with Mr. Cheney. Because if we were to start with the president and pursue articles of impeachment, Mr. Cheney would then become president.

It’s significant and responsible to start in this way, because if the same charges would relate to the president as relate to the vice president, you would then have to go through the constitutional agony of impeaching two presidents consecutively.


KUCINICH: Well, actually — I’ll wait until that truck goes by here.

Let me tell you the difference. The difference today is that this vice president is actively encouraging aggression against Iran. It is urgent that Congress take steps to check the abuse of power. And that’s what this impeachment resolution will do.

KUCINICH: There is no comparison whatsoever — in any way, shape or manner — between these articles of impeachment and the articles of impeachment which were presented to the House of Representatives in 1999.

In fact, these articles of impeachment are deeply researched, will stand up in a discussion in the House and in the Senate. And I believe that they are — that they’re imperative to bring forth right now because the threat of war against Iran is very real.

And this vice president cannot be permitted to continue to violate both the U.S. Constitution and the U.N. Charter.

Op veel steun van de Democratische Partij hoeft Kucinich en de Senaat van Vermont niet te rekenen, aldus het Belgische Belang van Limburg:

Maar op veel medewerking van zijn partijleden hoeft Kucinich niet te rekenen: na de overwinning van de Democraten bij de gedeeltelijke parlementsverkiezingen van november liet Nancy Pelosi, de nieuwbakken voorzitster van het Huis van Afgevaardigden, prompt weten dat van impeachment “geen sprake” zal zijn.

Op diverse plaatsen in de VS is echter gedemonstreerd vóór impeachment, zoals in Grand Rapids , Miami en Honolulu.

Over impeachment gesproken: volgens Onderzoek 911 stapelen de bewijzen voor het plegen van oorlogsmisdaden door onze eigen Balkenende zich op, naar aanleiding van de PBS-documentaire “Buying The War.” Lees verder…

Tja, als je wat te verbergen hebt over de Irak-oorlog dan wil je natuurlijk geen parlementaire enquete…Het is inderdaad tijd voor nieuwe verkiezingen in Nederland. Of een opstand.