>Naar aanleiding van de BBC/WTC7-affaire heeft iemand een online-petitie geopend, gericht aan de Britse omroep. De instorting van WTC 7, op 11 september 2001, werd bijna een half uur te vroeg gemeld.In de petitie komen de volgende, grotendeels terechte, vragen aan de orde:
To: The British Broadcasting Corporation
So Mr. Richard Porter of the BBC wants the whole ‘BBC Reported Building 7 Collapse 20 Minutes Before It Fell’ scandal (and believe me, it IS a scandal even if you don’t see it on the evening news) to just go away. The BBC is under the impression that knocking down a couple of straw-men and proclaiming ‘nothing to see here folks’ is going make us all just forget the monumental ‘cock up’ which is the BBCs attempt at damage control.
The BBC is also under the impression that it is only a few ‘lone nuts’ out there hammering the YouTube and Google Video counts and that this story is going to lose all it’s steam by next week.
Well Mr. Richard Porter. This is where you are so very wrong…
We the Undersigned formally demand the following information from the BBC.
1. Who was the source who told your station that the Salomon Building had collapsed?
2. Who from the BBC ordered YouTube and GoogleVideo to immediately start pulling the videos from their sites the day this story broke?
3. Who from the BBC ordered Archive.Org to block and then remove their copies of the footage which (until this story broke) were freely available online?
4. Who is responsible for and what were the circumstances surrounding the ‘cock-up’ which led to the loss of BBC World News’ 9/11 footage?
5. Who cut reporter Jane Standley’s live feed from NYC at 5:18pm (EST) on 11/09/01?
Until you answer these 5 questions IN FULL, you can expect the BBC’s phones to be ringing daily with people asking these 5 questions over and over until they are answered.
Take a good look at the number of signatures here Mr Porter. These are the people who are demanding these answers and these are the people who WON’T go away.
Welcome to the Digital Age Mr. Richard Porter. You’re either a news outlet or a supermarket tabloid. Which is it?
Bron: 911Blogger
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