In aansluiting op de berichtgeving op de “nieuwe” Bin Laden-video:
Adam Pearlman, a hardcore Jewish Zionist who once wrote stinging essays condemning Muslims as “bloodthirsty terrorists,” has been identified as the scriptwriter of the latest Osama Bin Laden video.
In a tape set to be released in full tomorrow, Bin Laden, sporting what many have surmised is a fake beard, goes on an inane rant about global warming, mortgages and interest rates as the latest volley of cartoonish propaganda is launched to convince Americans to give up their rights and tax dollars in the name of fighting the war on terror.
In our previous article, we outlined how almost every so-called “Al-Qaeda” tape has been released at the most politically opportune time for the Bush administration and the Neo-Cons.
Lees verder op PrisonPlanet.
Oh, en omdat de betreffende video werkelijk niemand met enige realiteitszin overtuigde, is er inmiddels een sequel aangekondigd:
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