>Geen Tweede Irak in Iran! Geplande verontwaardiging (3)

>“Within weeks from now, we will see the informational warfare machine start working. The public opinion is already under pressure. There will be a growing anti-Iranian militaristic hysteria, new information leaks, disinformation, etc.” Generaal Leonid Ivashov

Ik kan er wel een mooi verhaal van maken, maar ja…doe maar gewoon klikken.

‘Iran jaagt in ons land op materiaal kernwapens

(jawél, wij mogen ook meedoen! Maar ja, die vervelende IAEA wil maar niet meelullen, hé…)

The axis of fear is born

Opportunity lost on Iran nuclear crisis

U.S. Cautions Europeans to Avoid Oil, Gas Deals With Iran

U.S. delays report on Iranian role in Iraq

Down to the wire with Iran

US warns Iran on Iraq insurgents

US accuses allies of dragging their feet over Iran

Maar vooral deze is veelzeggend:

Concerns over Iran bombing grow.

U.S. News: “Democrats on Capitol Hill are increasingly concerned that President Bush will order air strikes against targets in Iran in the next few months or even weeks. Lees meer

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