>Foto: Pentagon-baas Donald Rumsfeld flirt met Saddam-“echt hij heeft banden met Bin Laden”-Hoessein
Het begint echt hilarisch te worden. Op het moment dat de roep om waarheidsvinding vanuit de 911-beweging enorme proporties begint aan te nemen, verschijnen er weer eens opnamen van Al Qaeda.
Steve Watson van Infowars, niet bepaald de gemiddelde goedgelovige om-de-info-heen-zapper, volgde het spoor naar de oorsprong van deze tapes. En kwam via de “productiemaatschappij” van Al Qaeda, Al Sahab, en het stevig aan dit soort video’s en “terreuranalyse’s” verdienende intelcenter.com, alsmede de dotcom-spion-gigant Verisign, in de schimmige en leugenachtige psy-opwereld van Washington uit…
(Parental Advisory: Het hieronder gelinkte artikel is niet geschikt voor de gevoelige ingewanden van moslimbashers en “linkse-mensen-zijn-nazi’s”-types. )
Al Qaeda Tapes: Direct Link To Military Psyops And Donald Rumsfeld
Following the trail for five minutes leads to Pentagon
Following on from our three features on the latest dubious Al Qaeda video, We can reveal that further investigation into the origin of Al Qaeda video and tape release leads straight back to US military intelligence and Donald Rumsfeld.
The origin of the latest video, starring Mohammed Atta and flight 93 hijacker Ziad Jarrah, has been swept under the carpet by the mainstream media who bizarrely admit that the government has had the tape since late 2001 but still suggest it is a new release by Al Qaeda.
Interesting also is the fact that in an NBC article, they admit that before receiving the “exclusive US analysis” of the London Sunday Times’ tape, they had filed a Freedom of Information Act request for the same tape of Atta earlier this year:
“The Sunday Times said it had obtained the video “through a previously tested channel” but gave no further details. NBC News filed a Freedom of Information Act request for the videotapes early this year, but the Pentagon has not yet turned them over. “
This is an open admission that it is the Pentagon that has released this tape and not Al Qaeda. this dovetails with our previous analysis that revealed that the footage has been seen before in a docudrama, the Road to Guantanamo, where it is shown to detainees at camp Delta as an intelligence surveillance tape.
Along with experts on Islamic terrorist groups who are baffled by the video and have declared that it has come from a security agency, the very journalist who received the tape also says the source was not Al Qaeda.
Opvallend detail op de site van IntelCenter.com is de volgende waarschuwing (“Conus” staat normaal gesproken voor “Continental United States.”-Johnito):
IntelCenter analysis indicates al-Qaeda may have completed its warning cycle for a mass casualty attack in CONUS, heightened threat now exists, no hard end to threat period identified
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