Volgens Esquire maakte Fallon het verschil tussen oorlog en vrede met Iran….En mede daarom is het volgens sommigen beangstigend dat hij is opgestapt.
Is dit dan het Point of no return? Hopelijk niet.
Uit het artikel:
And then there is Iran. No sooner had the supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei signaled a willingness to deal with any American but George W. Bush, and no sooner had Fallon signaled America’s willingness to refrain from bombing Tehran, than a little international incident occurred.
Just the kind of incident that doughy neocons dream sweetly about. Right after the new year, three American ships were passing through the Strait of Hormuz, exchanging normal greetings with Gulf State navies, checking them out as they passed. The same with the Iranian navy. And then, suddenly, small Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps boats started speeding toward the American ships, showing, the admiral says, “very stupid behavior, showboating, and provocative taunts. Given that it was a small boat that did in the USS Cole, this was very dangerous behavior.”
The Iranians dropped boxes in the water, simulating mines.
“Remember,” he says, “my first day on this job, I was greeted by the IRGC snatching the British sailors, and so it was a sense of here we go again. You wonder, Are they really acting on their own, because the pattern seems clear.”
Fallon’s eyes narrow and his voice becomes that whisper: “This is not how a country that wants to be a big boy in the neighborhood behaves. How are we supposed to take these guys seriously as players in the region? You’d like to deal with them as big-league players, but when they do this, it’s very tough.”
As before, there is the text and the subtext. Admiral William Fallon shakes his head slowly, and his eyes say, These guys have no idea how much worse it could get for them. I am the reasonable one.
And time will tell whether being reasonable will cost Admiral William Fallon his command.
EDIT: de ware toedracht van dat zogenaamde “incident” met die bootjes was toch wel behoorlijk twijfelachtig….
Zoals er wel meer twijfelachtig is als het gaat over de zogenaamde Iraanse ambities wat betreft nookular weapons…Kom binnen Keith.
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