>Iran onkent "provocatie"


TEHRAN (AFP) – Iran on Tuesday rejected US charges that its naval forces threatened to blow up American ships in the Strait of Hormuz, amid renewed tensions ahead of US President George W. Bush’s visit to the region.

US defence officials said five speedboats from the naval forces of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards menaced three US warships in the strategic waterway on Sunday, radioing a threat to blow them up.

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice described the incident as “provocative” and “dangerous”, amid fears such an insolated encounter could spark a major confrontation between the two foes.

Full story Yahoo News

Pardon??? Wie provoceert er eigenlijk wie??! Wat hebben de Amerikaanse schepen daar eigenlijk te zoeken?

Update: de video

Update 10 januari: De Iraanse versie van de video

Update 11 januari: Toch niet zo heel erg bedreigend, dat incident…

Gareth Porter writes, “New information over the past three days suggests that the incident did not involve such a threat and that no U.S. commander was on the verge of firing at the Iranian boats.” Bron

Maar dat weerhoudt Bush er niet van om ultra-ziofascist Netanyahu te steunen in zijn wens om Iran te nuken