>Integrale VN-speech Ahmadinejad: oordeel zelf

>Duizenden Amerikanen protesteerden, naar verluid, tegen de komst van de Iraanse president Ahmadinejad naar de VN-top in New York (maar de meerderheid van het Amerikaanse volk deelt zijn twijfels over 9/11, of vind dat er in ieder geval nieuw onafhankelijk onderzoek moet komen).

De man werd in de media geroosterd, d.m.v. vragen van de pers en studenten van Columbia University, die weliswaar de vinger terecht op de Iraanse mensenrechtenplek leggen , maar, zo vermoed ik, vooral de aandacht moeten afleiden van de geopolitieke spelletjes die met Iran gespeeld worden.

Ongetwijfeld zal de toespraak van Ahmadinejad in de VN voor redelijk wat controverse zorgen, maar inhoudelijk wel hout snijden.

reageerde ik enkele dagen terug op NuJij.

Welnu, de toespraak is inmiddels geweest, en érg ver van de waarheid zat ik niet. De Iraanse leider schoot in figuurlijke zin met scherp tijdens zijn speech.

Aangezien op de website van Ahmadinejad de integrale tekst is geplaatst, en de Nederlandse media kennelijk alleen Bush en Microsoft belangrijk vinden, zou ik zeggen, lees door de religieuze retoriek heen, en oordeel zelf:

Mr. Chairman, Honorable Delegates,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am pleased and grateful to the Almighty to have the opportunity once again to attend this important universal forum.
In the present tumultuous world and predominance of loud outcries, threats and tensions, and in the time when the big powers are unable to solve the present problems, when mistrust in regional and international arenas is on the rise, when psychological security of societies is being targeted by an onslaught of political and propaganda designs, and disappointment prevails over efficacy of policies and actions of the international organizations in establishing of durable peace and security, and the protection of human rights is being weakened, I plan to touch upon and explain the roots and ways out of these predicaments and some of the principal challenges facing our world. I will also speak to you about the need for amending the present situation, prospects for brighter and more hopeful future, and about the reappearance of the sublime and beauty, kindness and dignity, justice and blossoming of all divine human talents and dominance of love of God and realization of the promise of God as stated by of all divine prophets and righteous men. I will then put to your judgment the nuclear issue of Iran as a reality and testing ground for measurement of honesty, efficacy, steadfastness and victories. In the closing part of my address, I will offer my proposals.

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UPDATE: DIT was het publiek op Columbia University…

Mark Rudd and his SDS protestors ended up occupying several buildings and notably the president’s office in Low Library. The cops came in the early morning hours of April 30, 1968, and violently squashed the demonstrations. One hundred-fifty students were hurt and headed to hospitals. Seven hundred protestors were arrested. And the president of Columbia resigned. Those were the days, my dear, as Lotte Lenya would sing. Those were the days.

Ah, but today such a different song was being sung. The crowds were mainly pro-Israel groups from Columbia and bussed in from neighboring colleges. They were out for blood. They didn’t want the “holocaust denier” to speak in the first place. He was a sponsor of “terror,” unlike, of course, the United States and its 160,000 troops plus mercenaries in Iraq. Also, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was an “anti-Semite” because he did not approve of the state of Israel, which had inhaled Palestine, as the Nazis had the ghettos of Lodz, Krakow and Warsaw, not to mention most of Europe. Bron