>Pink- Dear Mr. President


Pink – Dear Mr. President Lyrics

(feat. Indigo Girls)

Dear Mr. President
Come take a walk with me
Let’s pretend we’re just two people and
You’re not better than me
I’d like to ask you some questions if we can speak honestly

What do you feel when you see all the homeless on the street
Who do you pray for at night before you go to sleep
What do you feel when you look in the mirror
Are you proud

How do you sleep while the rest of us cry
How do you dream when a mother has no chance to say goodbye
How do you walk with your head held high
Can you even look me in the eye
And tell me why

Dear Mr. President
Were you a lonely boy
Are you a lonely boy
Are you a lonely boy
How can you say
No child is left behind
We’re not dumb and we’re not blind
They’re all sitting in your cells
While you pay the road to hell

What kind of father would take his own daughter’s rights away
And what kind of father might hate his own daughter if she were gay
I can only imagine what the first lady has to say
You’ve come a long way from whiskey and cocaine

How do you sleep while the rest of us cry
How do you dream when a mother has no chance to say goodbye
How do you walk with your head held high
Can you even look me in the eye

Let me tell you bout hard work
Minimum wage with a baby on the way
Let me tell you bout hard work
Rebuilding your house after the bombs took them away
Let me tell you bout hard work
Building a bed out of a cardboard box
Let me tell you bout hard work
Hard work
Hard work
You don’t know nothing bout hard work
Hard work
Hard work

How do you sleep at night
How do you walk with your head held high
Dear Mr. President
You’d never take a walk with me
Would you

Wie maakt de versie voor Balkenende…

(Pink is overigens headliner op Beatstad)

4 gedachten over “>Pink- Dear Mr. President

  1. >Quote: Wie maakt de versie voor Balkenende…
    Deze 4 heren:
    Boudewijn de Groot, Henny Vrienten & Jack Poels….. i.s.m Johan Cruyff!!
    (want die heeft altijd gelijk!)

  2. >In de song ‘Dear Mr. President’ krijgt eveneens vice president Dick Cheney er van langs.
    Hij heeft zelf een openlijk lesbische dochter maar is het toch met Bush eens dat homo’s niet mogen trouwen.

    Pink zingt:

    “What kind of father would take his own daughter’s rights away, and what kind of father might hate his own daughter if she were gay.

    Over Bush zingt ze:

    I can only imagine what the first lady has to say: you’ve come a long way from whiskey and cocaine!”.

  3. >Je kunt toch een geaccepteerde lesbische dochter hebben en vinden dat het homohuwelijk niks is. Ik zie het probleem niet??? Gordon vindt het ook niks homo’s die trouwen, dus tja.

    Ik kan niet zingen maar ik wil Hans Teeuwen wel voordragen als kandidaat. Dat weet ik ten minste dat het realistisch grof gaat worden.

  4. >Teeuwen doet tegenwoordig trouwens een geweldige Sinatra.

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