>Geen tweede Irak in Iran! Iran: A War Is Coming-John Pilger

>De Australische publicist en filmmaker John Pilger analyseert op Antiwar de huidige dreiging van een oorlog tegen Iran. Oók hij ziet de overeenkomst tussen de Amerikaanse leugens aan de vooravond van de Irak-oorlog en de huidige situatie:

The “threat” from Iran is entirely manufactured, aided and abetted by familiar, compliant media language that refers to Iran’s “nuclear ambitions,” just as the vocabulary of Saddam’s non-existent WMD arsenal became common usage. Accompanying this is a demonizing that has become standard practice. As Edward Herman has pointed out, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, “has done yeoman service in facilitating this”; yet a close examination of his notorious remark about Israel in October 2005 reveals its distortion.

John Pilger” >
Reporting The World
John Pilger

According to Juan Cole, American professor of Modern Middle East History, and other Farsi language analysts, Ahmadinejad did not call for Israel to be “wiped off the map.” He said, “The regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time.” This, says Cole, “does not imply military action or killing anyone at all.” Ahmadinejad compared the demise of the Jerusalem regime to the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The Iranian regime is repressive, but its power is diffuse and exercised by the mullahs, with whom Ahmadinejad is often at odds. An attack would surely unite them.

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